NOTE: McAfee anti-virus/security software has recently started quarantining the Windows .exe files
from the games (based on 'reputation' or 'behavior', not because they're infected). The files on this site
HAVE been scanned and are KNOWN to be safe. McAfee is acting on a "false positive" (a web search for that
term will explain it if you've never encountered it before). If you're having
this problem, web search for "McAfee exclusions" (without the quotes) to find out how to set up an
EXCLUSION for the game's .exe file, and search for "McAfee quarantine restore" for help with restoring
the .exe file. With some McAfee products, if you temporarily turn off "real-time scanning," that may aid in
getting the games installed and giving you time to set up an exclusion. If you need further help
with this issue, please email!
New desktop & laptop games!
Updated desktop & laptop games!
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Games Pack 2 DOWNLOAD
Single games are $19.95 each, but the Games Pack 2 download
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Games Pack 3 DOWNLOAD
Single games are $19.95 each, but the Games Pack 3 download
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Includes Baker Street, Mrs. Hudson, Reichenbach Falls, Queen's Gambit, Solitile, Lunatile, Crocotile, Flipitile, Knarly Combs, Knarly Gridlock, Knarly Asteroids, Occam's Quilt, Fermat's Fences.
